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Teoria e Modelos Organizacionais

Nível: Mestrado Profissional
Obrigatória: Sim
Carga Horária: 48
Créditos: 4.0


A disciplina discute a tipologia de organizações incluindo os determinantes da estrutura: características do desenho da estrutura; configurações organizacionais; organizações em rede; parcerias e terceirizações; aquisições e fusões e alianças estratégicas. Discute também a evolução das teorias organizacionais e as diversas dimensões de análise de uma organização: ambiente, estrutura e cultura organizacional, em especial, as Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPE). Aborda as concepções existentes em torno dos novos modelos de gestão e a sua relação com a estratégia e as competências organizacionais. Aborda a mudança organizacional, incluindo modelos de diagnóstico organizacional; métodos e técnicas para a formulação do diagnóstico; tipos e níveis de mudança organizacional e a gestão de processos da mudança organizacional. Por fim, são analisadas as teorias: de agencia, de custos de transação, de ecologia populacional, institucional e critica.


Alcadipadipani, R.; Faria, A. Fighting Latin American Marginality in ‘International’ Business. Critical Perspectives on International Business, v.10, p.2-22, 2014.

Arreola, M.; Bandeira, R. M. D. The differential effects of minority state ownership types on the internationalization of emerging market multinationals from democratic states. Management International Review, v.58, n.5, p.845–869, 2018.

Athukorala, P. C. Global Productions Sharing and Local Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Evidence from Penang Export Hub, Malaysia. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, v.4, n.2, p.180-194, 2017.

Bandeira, R. D. M. Financial dimension of internationalization: Serving two masters, with Jeferson Lana, Rosilene Marcon, and Wlamir Xavier. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, v.17, n.2, p.305-320, 2017.

Barcellos, R. D. M. R; Dellagnelo, E. H. L.; Salles, H. K. Reposicionando conceitos: A organização fora dos eixos. RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, v.57, n.1, p.10-21, 2017.

Bayar, T.; Cornett, M. M.; Erhemjamts, O.; Leverty, T.; Tehranian, H. An examination of the relation between strategic interaction among industry firms and firm performance. Journal of Banking and Finance, v.87, p.248-263, 2018.

Beunza, D; Ferraro, F. Performative Work: Bridging Performativity and Institutional Theory in the Responsible Investment Field. Organization Studies. Advanced online publication, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0170840617747917

Brighi, P.; Lucarelli, C.; Venturelli, V. Predictive Strength of Lending Technologies in Funding SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management. Advanced online publication, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12444

Co, C.Y.; Nguyen, T. K.; Nguyen, T.N.; Tran, Q. N. The exporting and subcontracting decisions of Viet Nam's small and medium-sized enterprises. International Review of Economics and Finance, v.58, p.449-466, 2018.

Felzensztein, C.; Deans, K. R.; Dana, L. Small Firms in Regional Clusters: Local Networks and Internationalization in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Small Business Management. Advanced online publication, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12388

Ghauri, P. N.; Park, B. I. Guest Editorial: The Evolution of International Business Theories: Internalization vs. Externalization. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, v.34, n.34, p.325-328, 2017.

Goleci, I.; Larimo, J.; Arslan, A. Institutions and dynamic capabilities: Theoretical insights and research agenda for strategic entrepreneurship. Scandinavian Journal of Management, v.33, n.4, p.243-252, 2017.

Henninger, C. E.; Alevizou , P. J.; Oates, C. J. IMC, social media and UK fashion micro-organisations. European Journal of Marketing, v.51, n.3, p.668-691, 2017.

Hossfeld, H. Legitimation and institutionalization of managerial practices. The role of organizational rhetoric. Scandinavian Journal of Management, v.34, n.1, p.9-21, 2018.

Ip, C. Y. Social Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students from Hong Kong. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, v.27, n.1, p.47-64, 2018.

Jansen, E. P. Bridging the gap between theory and practice in management accounting: Reviewing the literature to shape interventions. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, v.31, n.5, p.1486-1509, 2018.

Kasikopoulos, K. V.; Durbach, I. N.; Stewart, T. J. When should we use simple decision models? A synthesis of various research strands. Omega, v.81, p.17-25, 2018.

Mackillop, E. Leadership in organisational change: A post-structuralist research agenda. Organization, v.25, n.2, p.205-222, 2017.

Maranhão, C. M.; Vilela, J. R. P. X. A Imanência entre a Teoria Crítica e a Pesquisa Empírica: contribuições para os estudos organizacionais. Organizações e Sociedade, v.24, n.82, p.476-490, 2017.

Martino, M. D.; Magnotti, F. The innovation capacity of small food firms in Italy. European Journal of Innovation Management, v.21, n.3, p.362-383, 2018.

McGrath, H.; Medlin, C. J.; O´Toole, T. A process-based model of network capability development by a start-up firm. Industrial Marketing Management. Advanced online publication, 2017.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.11.011

Milgrom, P; Roberts, J. Economics, Organiztions and Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2016.

Neirotti, P.; Raguseo, E.; Paolucci, E. Flexible work practices and the firm’s need for external orientation: An empirical study of SMEs. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, v.30, n.6, p.922-943, 2017.

Petar, S.; Misita, M.; Zoran, J.; Mladen, M.; Vasilije, M.; Vladimir, B. Organizational design based on simulation modeling. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Advanced online publication, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-017-1453-0

Radicic, D.; Pugh, G. Performance Effects of External Search Strategies in European Small and Medium‐Sized Enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management, v.55, n. S1, p. 76-114, 2017.

Roberto, A. P.; Walezac, G.; Todescat, I. The queen bee: A myth? The effect of top-level female leadership on subordinate females. The Leadership Quarterly Journal, v.29, n.5, p.533-548, 2018.

Sharma, T.; Singh, S. Relationship of emotional intelligence with cultural intelligence and change readiness of Indian managers in the service sector. Journal of Organizational Change Management. Advanced online publication, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-05-2017-0193

Siddique, C. M. Learning organization and firm performance: Making a business case for the learning organization concept in the United Arab Emirates International. Journal of Emerging Markets, v.13, n.4, p.689-708, 2017.

Simovic, A. A Big Data smart library recommender system for an educational institution. Library Hi Tech, v.36, n.3, p.498-523, 2018.

Tay, L.; Ng, V.; Malik, A. Big Data Visualizations in Organizational Science. Organizational Research Methods, v.21, n.3, p.660-688, 2017.

Tiwari, S. K.; Korneliussen, T. Exporting by experiential knowledge: a study of emerging market micro firms. International Marketing Review, v.35, n.5, p.833-849, 2017.

Turulja, L.; Bajgoric,N. Innovation, firms’ performance and environmental turbulence: is there a moderator or mediator? European Journal of Innovation Management, first published online, 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-03-2018-0064

Valentisnov, V.; Roth, S.; Will, M. G. Stakeholder Theory: A Luhmannian Perspective. Administration & Society, n.24, 2018. DOI: 10.1177/0095399718789076

Zhang, F.; Li, D. Regional ICT access and entrepreneurship: Evidence from China. Information & Management. v.55, n.2, p.188-198, 2017.